Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Announcing the release of ALExSIM version 1.0 Beta

This is the announcement for the release of the first (Beta) version of ALExSIM 1.0.

The release can be downloaded here : ALExSIM ver 1.0 (Beta)

The distribution file (ZIP) should contain the following items:
  • AlexsimUsasEval.jar
  • lib folder (contains the required library files)
  • Readme.txt
To install, download and extract the ZIP file in a chosen directory.
The application is a Java application and require the Java Virtual Machine (JRE 1.8 and above).
The readme.txt contains the instructions on how to run the application.

Currently the fully functional evaluation version will be offered until 1 April 2020. After this date, the evaluation copy will only offer basic or limited functions.

The first complete version is planned to be released in June 2020.

About the application :

ALExSIM (USAS) is an algorithm learning and experimenting simulator suite, which is targeted for anyone who are interested to study, or currently studying operating system subject/course. USAS or Uniprocessor Scheduling Algorithm Simulation is a package offered in ALExSIM, which allows the user to try and experiment with algorithms that have been used or studied for uniprocessor scheduling used in various operating systems.

Currently ALExSIM (USAS) allows users to experiment with several algorithms including First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS), Round-Robin (RR), Shortest-Job-First (SJF) and High-Priority-Job-First (HPF). 

Features provided in ALExSIM (USAS) includes :
  1. Simulating and comparing several scheduling algorithms.
    • Allow user to run simulation on several algorithms at once and compare the results between the algorithms
  2. Generating and test the algorithms using random data.
    • Easy for user to prepare and study many cases/scenarios by just clicking buttons (instead of manually entering/typing data)
  3. Generating the graphical Gantt chart (using the JFreeChart Java library).
    • Simulation results can be visualized and easier to study or compare
  4. Exporting generated results data into a CSV-formatted file.
    • The simulation results can be exported to external file, and then easy to be imported into a spreadsheet application (e.g. MS-Excel or OpenOffice Calc) 
  5. Importing prepared simulation data from a CSV-formatted file.
    • Easy to automate and repeat the testing or simulation using the same data without manually entering / typing the required input data.

Below are some screenshots from the application:

The initial interface

Generating the random process data

Running the simulation

Comparing the Gantt charts from the results

1 comment:

Announcing the release of ALExSim-USAS version 1.0 (full version)

This is the announcement for the release of the new version of ALExSIM (USAS) ver 1.0 (full version) The release can be downloaded from ...